Prerequisite: ENVS211

Aim: GIS is normally understood as an abbreviation for Geographical Information System, but in recent years, it has also become an abbreviation for Geographical Information Science, which may be thought of as the theoretical basis for Geographical Information Systems. This module will look at selected aspects of the theory underlying GIS. This module is designed to provide further insight into GIS as a management tool for spatial data and Remote Sensing as a source of spatial data.

Content: Map projection; spatial data and modeling; attribute data management; analysis of remotely sensed GIS data and its classification; data quality issues; GIS project management and design.

Module Objectives (Overall Learning Outcome)

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of geographic information systems (GIS); geographic data models (vector and raster models); database development and management techniques; and spatial data analysis.
  2. Evaluate the quality and suitability of GIS data for diverse applications.
  3. Illustrate proficiency in the use of GIS software to build a database, perform spatial analysis, and prepare a presentation of output results (maps, reports, and charts).
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of Remote Sensing (RS) and digital image processing.
  5. Illustrate proficiency in the use of image processing remote sensing software.
  6. Apply GIS and RS analysis techniques to solving problems in the environmental and life sciences


Assessment: Test (20%), practical reports (15%), practical test (15%); 3-h theory exam (50%).                 

This module primarily will be assessed by Summative Assessment of theory (account for 50% of the total mark). The remaining 50% of the total mark is a Formative Assessment that includes two theory tests (20%), weekly practical reports (15%), practical test (15%).

Learning Environment

The theory lecture part of the module will be delivered at Flat lap and the practical will be delivered at GIS LAN and BIOLAN. Teaching materials consist mainly of lectures in various formats (e.g., PowerPoint, textbooks, and handouts) will be available on Learn2023.