This module aims to develop advanced knowledge in respect of port legislation and governance frameworks, their impact on port investment, port operations and port performance; presenting both the global and South African perspectives. The discussion topics for 2023 will take students on a journey that begins with an in-depth focus on port governance and economic regulation in South Africa. The module critiques the present port governance structure, port authority pricing methodology and tariff structure, and examines recommendations on how to improve the economic regulation of South Africa’s ports. In addition, the module will explore and compare the different models of port governance and regulation in the following eight countries: The United States of America, China, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Greece, South Korea, India and Australia.  The group assignment requires a group to choose a country to research, write an assignment, present to the class and facilitate discussion. By the end of the module, each student must submit a portfolio of evidence with their reflections, conclusions and critiques of the nine country port governance structures and make recommendations on how to improve port governance and economic regulation in South Africa.